The Sisterhood of B’nai Yehuda Beth Sholom is a vital arm of the congregational family. Open to women of all ages, including nonmembers of BYBS, we organize and encourage participation in religious, educational, financial, community and social activities. We foster and further the high ideals of Reform Judaism, support the congregation, and develop close relationships among its members. We are stronger together as we collaborate and cooperate with our fellow sisterhoods in Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) and WRJ Midwest District.


Some of the activities include providing stimulating programs, networking opportunities, Chanukah dinner and latke cooking, Taste of Passover, Opening and Closing programs, book clubs, Sisterhood Shabbat, special holiday programs such as a Tu b’Shevat Seder, along with overseeing Oneg Shabbats, the temple kitchen and the Gift Shop.


We welcome membership in our Sisterhood. Junior Membership (13-18) is $18. Regular membership is $36 and Miriam membership is $54.