Our last family service of the year will be on Friday, May 12th at Temple Anshe Sholom at 7:00 p.m. Our Youth Choir will sing and we will honor our teachers and aides! Please join us at services as we thank, Marsha Weiner, Vivian Zimmerman, Becky Moeckler, Nancy Friedman, Rachael Footlick, Rabbi Caplan, Rabbi Harari, Olu Akujieze, Meira Burnett, Hannah Landsly, Isaac Latman, Alyiah Moore and Tyler Burnett. Beit AmiChai is so lucky to have this amazing group to teach our students. They are such a hard working and dedicated group and truly the heart and soul of our
On Tuesday, May 30th we will have Confirmation at Temple Anshe Sholom at 7:00 p.m. This year our Confirmands are, Olu Akujieze, Justin Johnson and Hannah Landsly. These are three very special students and we look forward to joining with each of their families along with our Congregations to celebrate this milestone
April 2017
Steering Committee Report – April 2017
In the second week of March the Boards of Trustees of all three congregations voted to approve the Letter of Intent to finalize a merger of our Congregations, effective July 1, 2017.
We still have considerable work to do to prepare for the merger, which will include drafting the formal Merger Agreement and setting up six Task Forces.
A new Board of Trustees must be seated. We will have 7 members on the 23 member Board. Each Congregation will have 3 members on the Executive Board. We are forming our nominating committee and will have a slate of candidates for our Board’s approval at our April meeting.
We are in agreement that the High Holy Days services will be at TAS. Rabbi Harari, Rabbi Caplan will be officiating along with Cantor Bard. The choir will be directed by Lisa Kristina.
The religious school will continue to operate at TAS for the 2017-2018 school year. TAS is seeking to have its tenant, Homewood Christian Academy, to continue renting classrooms for the coming year.
TAS has a committee to market its property. The first step of the committee is to have a discussion with the local Olympia Fields governmental authorities to assess their interest. If they are interested, further discussions will begin as soon as possible. If not, the newly formed Real Estate committee will identify a real estate agent, determine a listing price, and begin the marketing the TAS property.
The Task Forces referred to above and listed below need your assistance. If any of them interest you, please let Carole Fefferman know asap. We need to hit the ground running. We expect to have a congregational meeting to vote on the merger on June 4. It is not expected that the work of the Task Forces will be completed in that short time.
Ritual Artifacts
Governance and Leadership
Real Estate
Facilities (including remodeling and consolidation)
Interfaith Hunger Project BYBS and TMC – Muslim-Jewish Cooperation
BYBS members helped to make 300 meals for south suburban and Chicago needy senior citizens on April 2. This project was a part of our continuing interfaith bridge-building, social service and social justice work, with our new friends at The Mosque Cares. Get involved in our commitment to fighting hunger, as part of our growing Muslim-Jewish cooperation with our neighbors. Contact Brian Zakem to hear more about this continuing project.
School News April 2017
We have been filled with wonderful activities for the last three weeks. We had a very nice Havdalah service, pasta dinner and dessert auction. Our dessert auction was very successful under the direction of our auctioneer Rabbi Caplan. We raised over $1800.00 to be split between Leo Baeck school in Haifa Israel and Beit AmiChai. Thank you to Tommie Gbur for heading up a great evening along with her hard working committee of, Deb Feingold, Quynh Kirschner, Robin Latman and Sigy Rafalovitz who cooked a wonderful dinner enjoyed by all!
On Saturday, March 4th our Hebrew School students did a fantastic job leading Shabbat services. They worked very hard to prepare and it sure showed that morning! Thank you to our amazing teachers, Vivian Zimmerman, Rabbi Harari, Rabbi Caplan and Eden Caplan for getting them ready for the service.
This year we hosted Purim on March 12th. Temple Beth-El and Congregation Beth Israel both from Munster attended this year’s Megillah reading and carnival. It was wonderful having so many people join together for the fun! I am so proud of our second and third year Hebrew students and our seventh grade who read the Megillah; they did an awesome job! Thank you to Rabbi Caplan, Rabbi Harari and Nancy Friedman for leading the Megillah and singing portion of the morning. Thank you to Tommie Gbur and our great committee of parents, Debbie Berman, Quynh Kirschner, Joel Williams, Robin Latman and Sigy Rafalovitz for all the hard work you put into setting up and cleaning up the carnival. Jay Zoline and the TAS Men’s Club worked hard to help us ensure a great event.
Thank you teachers and students for working at the carnival. We couldn’t have done this without our incredible students and former students who worked the booths! Louie Berman, Melinda Berman, Justin Johnson, Tyler Burnett, Meira Burnett, Olu Akujieze, Aliyah Moore, Hannah Landsly, Emma Landsly, Aaron Latman, Matthew Stempel, Daniel Stempel, Lauren Williams, and Mandy Sigale. Your hard work made our carnival a success!
Our Spring Break will coincide with Passover this year. We will be off from Sunday April 9th through Sunday, April 16th.
April 2017
Read the April 2017 bulletin.