As we are wrapping up the first half of our school year, I want to thank all the people who have been volunteering their time and working so hard for Beit AmiChai.
We just wrapped up a very successful latke sale. It was a success because of all the time and effort the amazing volunteers put into it. Our incredible Chef Sigy Rafalovitz guided the group of volunteers and we all learned a thing or two along the way! Tommie Gbur lent her expertise in putting this whole thing together and did all the shopping! Thank you to the most hard working kitchen team of Deb Feingold, Quynh Kirschner, Gaby Larsen, Robin Latman, Rick Bloomberg, Rabbi Harari, Jack Levitt, Laura Eisenwasser, Gayla and Joel Cahan, and Dan Greenberg. It was a pleasure to work with each and everyone of them! And of course thank you to Congregation Am Echad for allowing us to use their kitchen.
I also want to extend my thanks to Art Moeckler for handling the financial end of this fundraiser.
And a huge thank you needs to go out to the incredible room parents who always come and work so hard for our school’s holiday celebrations. They made a great Chanukah party for our kids! Our great group includes, Sigy Rafalovitz, Deb Feingold, Sarah Goldberg, Quynh Kirschner, Aliza Kaliski and Geoffrey Wool, Gaby Larsen, Elizabeth Waller, Laura Duda, Laura Mizrahi, Stacey Landsly, Robin Latman, Joel Williams and Nancy Mays.
Finally I want to thank our 7th grade Sunday School teacher, Becky Moeckler for once again coordinating, shopping and delivering all the gifts for the Chanukah Mitzvah project. This project couldn’t happen without the all the hard work Becky puts into it!
Mindy Miller
December 2016
January 2017
Read the January 2017 bulletin.
School News December 2016
This year time seems to be moving at an especially fast speed! Can you believe that Chanukah is right around the corner! On Sunday, December 4, Beit AmiChai will have Sunday School and High School Havurah at BYBS. Times will be the same as always, 9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. for Sunday School and 10:30-11:45 a.m. for High School Havurah.
Our students will have a chance to shop at the BYBS Chanukah gift bazaar. On Sunday, December 11th we will be back at Temple Anshe Sholom and our students will have the opportunity to shop at the TAS Chanukah gift shop. We hope our parents will stop by each of the gift shops for all of your Chanukah shopping too!
We will celebrate Chanukah at Sunday School on December 18th, thank you in advance to our Room Parents for helping that morning. And to Sigy Rafalovitz who will be making her amazing sufganiyot!
On Friday, December 9th we will be having our Family/Youth Shabbat. Youth choir will sing and we will have a special ceremony presenting prayerbooks to our Hebrew School students. Services are at Temple Anshe Sholom at 7:00 p.m.
There will be no Sunday School, Hebrew School or High School Havurah from December 25, 2016 – January 8, 2017.